
Taxation Individuals
Tax advice in general, i.a.
Analysis of the current tax situation and develop it optimization
Advice in relation to change of residence, within Switzerland and abroad
Swiss lump sum taxation («forfait» taxation)
Advance ruling requests with the tax authorities
Gift- and inheritance taxes
Capital gains taxes on the disposal of real estate, transfer taxes
Analysis of private wealth structures (Trusts, Foundations, Companies)
Analysis relating to the taxation of investment strategies, securities, structured products
Application of Swiss tax treaties to avoid double taxation in international circumstances
Automatic exchange of information (AEOI / CRS)
Tax compliance work, i.a.
Preparation of annual tax return for income and wealth tax purposes, review of tax assessments and decisions, legal representation
Advice and legal representation in cases of a voluntary disclosure of undeclared income and assets
Reclaims of foreign taxes
Taxation Companies
Advice and support in companies’ restructurings
Withholding taxes, stamp taxes
Preparation of tax returns (corporate income and capital, withholding taxes), Review of tax assessments and decisions, Legal representation
Advice and legal representation in cases of a voluntary disclosure of undeclared income and assets
…and also
Succession Planning

  • Advice in inheritance matters
  • Preparation of inheritance contracts, matrimonial agreements and support in relation to handwritten last wills (testaments)
  • Will execution
Advice relating to the advance care directive / medical orders
Establishment of companies / Provision of domicile
Social security matters (OASI, Occupational pension schemes, 3rd pillar savings)
General Family Office services, e.g.

  • Support in the search of residential or business property and its selling, respectively
  • Coordination with the authorities
  • Administrative services, e.g. reception of mail, payment of invoices
    Mandates in foundation council / board of directors